Today is my 1 year blogoversary. 365 days and something to say 198 of those days. Go figure. I wasn't even sure I'd make it through the first month.
Sure, most of the stories revolve around the minutia of Grace learning to walk or going pee, but these ARE the stories I want to remember. I fully embrace the fact that I am anonymous. All stray hits on this site come from people searching for "Syllables in a Word" and "Free Corgi's" and a few pervs that have questions about '"Making Mature Love" that I'm not quite sure I really want to know about.
I love this place non-the-less. As I said, way, way back when, I am writing this for me. I am writing this for Grace. I am writing this to remember. Because I am sure that without this diary, I would have forgotten and I want my family to be able to hear my voice in the moment 50 years from now.
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