Wednesday, June 30, 2010

My Return

Has it really been over a month since I've posted anything??

I've been distracted lately, to say the least.

Clare is a happy baby. A low key baby. A very hungry baby. In exchange for not crying and sleeping well, she eats non-stop. So I've been neglecting this blog.

Neglected, but not forgotten. I keep writing posts in my head. I still keep taking non-face pictures for posts. I just haven't actually been writing the posts. I have no excuse for that. Sometimes I start to tap them into my iPhone, but then big thumbs and tiny fingers and crossed eyes get in my way and I quit a few sentences in.

But I am back now. I have to be. Friday morning will usher in my return to work and the first day of being the parent of two children who need to be out the door around 6am. I will need a place to vent, to expound on my new found role.

Oh, and expect to see a lot of back dated material popping up in your reader! If I've forgotten to stories there will at least be pictures . (ahem... Easter anyone?)

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